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I can say no too

Apologies to anyone whose Wednesday was darkened by the absence of a post – but I’ll make up for it next week as I return to Welly World for the World Dressage Masters, Challenge of the Americas and other less formal events which are sure to cross my path. In the meantime, please indulge me […]
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International Delights from BETA to Rocking Horse

I am sitting on a plane, flying back from the UK. It was a very short visit. I left on the 19th and I am flying back today, the 26th. Because of connections in the UK from my dim distant past, I was lucky enough to be invited to join Canadian company, Omega Alpha on […]
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All Settled

The new apartment is starting to feel like home now and I’m really enjoying it. Oslo likes his new home, he has found his spot on the couch by the window where the sun shines in… he sleeps there all day just basking in the sunshine. My dad always says he wants to come back as […]
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Angry Mammals

Looks like the far west isn’t so apathetic after all. I haven’t had so many indignant comments since I questioned the moral fibre of gaited horse people at the WEG opening ceremonies. I have two questions for all you Boo EC people, who may or may not be direct descendants of Albertans: 1. where were […]
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The Last Lemming

Today’s post comes in the form of a warning:  according to my research, Horse Council BC is making a desperate bid to turn itself into the seventh ‘hell no’ province. And they are doing it without communicating a single word of it to their member. As a BC resident and longtime HCBC and EC member, […]
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Equestrian Idolatry

Here I am, enjoying a wintery sunset view from my desk in Vancouver. Florida seems so far away already, though as usual the marks it leaves on my memory are indelible. And it seems I can’t get enough of Welly World. I’ve been home only 48 hours but I’ve already booked my flight for a […]
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New Apartment / team work

This past week has been really busy training and MOVING!! I moved down the street to a new apartment with another girl who I train with.  I decided to move so I could hsave some more space and make a bit more of a “home”.  I loved my room at Anky’s, but I felt like […]
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MIA in Welly World

Hi all. Sorry for the lack of entertainment on Wednesday, but the intense schedule – work and social – got the better of me this week. Some people like to see me at 7:15 am, while it’s cool and quiet at the barn. And then it’s off to the rat races for the whole day. […]
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Alone Time

Anky was away in Spain this past week for a clinic so I had some time to train on my own. I experimented with the changes and tried a few other movements from the Grand Prix test.  I left the one tempi’s alone a bit and worked on basic single changes as well as 4,3,2 tempi’s to gain some […]
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No flies on you, EC!

It took them a couple of weeks to get around to it, but the good folks at EC have been in touch to let me know that, not only do they all have vital signs, but they abide by the motto ‘life is more than just surviving’. If you haven’t read my post from January […]