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This post is dedicated to Erica Brant, a Para Equestrian I heard about that shows extreme determination to achieve her goal. I found her story so inspiring that I thought I would share it with you. I have chosen to sponsor her to help her achieve her goals and, once you’ve heard her story, I hope you will […]
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Where to begin?

Jeez Louise. Can’t a girl take a sick break without all hell breaking loose? There is so much to be opinionated about right now I hardly know where to start. What I really want to do is go on and on AND ON about how incredibly awesomely wonderful Cavalia is (they opened in Vancouver last […]
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Home In Vancouver

I’m back home in Vancouver right now for the next 10 days. While I was in trasit, I had to go through the scanners in Amsterdam for the first time. Normally when I travel they’re always broken or have problems but this time I got to experience it. You really feel silly standing in this […]
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Equestrian Fundraiser for Japan

I was watching the gut wrenching videos from Japan and thought that I need to do a something to help out. We did a sponsored musical ride for the 2008 tsunami so this time I thought of doing an online auction. This isn’t high-tech, just something I whipped together with the help of some amazing […]
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Calling in sick

  Since I know some of you are waiting for my reflections on the WDM freestyle from last Friday night, I thought I’d better give you all my letter from home before you start wondering where today’s post is. I brought a special souvenir home with me from Florida, something very small but nasty, either […]
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I was jumping for joy this past weekend, finally 8 1 tempi’s! During the week I managed to get 6 but this weekend I got 8. It couldn’t have happened on a better day. It was a brisk and sunny Saturday morning, we were all training outside for the first time this year and Anky had stepped […]
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Steffen Peters, World Dressage Master

Well he hasn’t won yet, but let’s be honest. There really isn’t a contest. (And I don’t want to hear any accusations about jinxing him by writing this. Superstitious people have bad luck) The real scrap tonight will be for second, third and fourth.  All in all, considering this event was literally brought from zero […]
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Want to watch WDM?

This is just a very quick post to give you all the heads’ up that USEF is providing a live webcast of both the Special and the Freestyles tomorrow. So if it’s been a while since you called in sick, tomorrow might be a great day to be bedridden with a lap top perched on […]
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Wild, Wonderful Welly World

I can’t believe I am subjecting myself to a second dose of this crazy place, but I will admit that it’s awfully fun here. California has the geography, but a bit too much of it, which means that, except during shows, everyone is off doing their own thing in Thousand Oaks or San Diego or […]
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All I can say about it is… WOW!! And now I need to majorly catch up on some ZZZ’s. On Friday we went to a big field that was set up with a bunch of tents and different bands playing, it was a big festival and neat to see people in various costumes. The group […]