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I’m back!

I won’t be blogging on here until Wednesday, but if my World Cup reflections interest you at all, I would ask (with apologies to Pamela) that you click here to see what I posted on Low-Down a few minutes ago.
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His & Hers World Cup

Boys jump and girls do dressage. Sounds like a tired old gender stereotype, doesn’t it? But if the demographics of the entries in this past weekend’s World Cup Final in Denbosch are any sign, that stereotype isn’t yet ready for burial. In the dressage, just five out of 18 riders were male, which translates to […]
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Give me a Break!

I’m headed off the grid for a few days with my patient and long suffering mom, who has been waiting since February 26th to celebrate her 70th birthday with her only child. In case you want to hear the sound of my voice when I have a bad cold, give a listen to the World […]
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In Trouble Again

Yes, I’ve done it again. I’ve attracted the attention of the FEI by blogging about the IDRC. The email I received from the Communications Dept. started out by telling me there were ‘a number of inaccuracies’ in my post ‘FEI Family Feud‘, but the primary provocation that invoked the wrath of Mission Control was about […]
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Is that a flashlight in your pocket, or?

Just have to share this photo with you, which came attached to a press release announcing that Rio de Janeiro is a partner of the CHIO Aachen. The opening line of the press release is as follows: “It is hardly possible for messengers to be more popular: Nelson and Rodrigo Pessoa and Alvaro “Doda” Affonso […]
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Breaking News: EC Issues a Press Release!

And it’s a press release about an Olympic discipline! And it’s not three weeks after the fact! It came out the day after the event finished! This is a test to see if I can overdose on exclamation marks. Yes I can. And I have. A release came out from EC HQ first thing last […]
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Bad Karma Cold?

Is it superstitious to the point of ridiculous self-obsession for me to think the awful cold I am suffering is the result of my my actions on this blog, and on my other blog, Low-Down (which has a brand new post today)? Don’t answer. I know what your answer is. This cold is almost certainly […]
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FEI Family Feud

Oh my goodness. Where do I begin? The FEI has been dishing out so much blog material lately that I have that feeling like when you order a pizza from your favorite delivery joint, and when you open the box you don’t know which piece to eat first…this slice is bigger but this other one […]
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What in the Welly World?

What are they up to now, those crazy  show organizers?  Thursday I received a press release announcing that stalls at the new Global Dressage Festival facility will be available to rent through the off season. I haven’t yet heard if that’s even legal, since I was under the impression the  permit for the new show […]
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One more thing…

In my last post, I forgot to mention one little item which EC decided to put out as a press release and which definitely fits into the ever-expanding category of highly questionable relevance to EC members.  At this point I would describe EC’s random behaviour with things that are real news and things that are […]