FEI – Equine Influenza (EI) which was detected for the first time in the Pacific Region at the Eastern Creek Quarantine Facility in Australia on 17 August 2007 and then confirmed on 20 August was announced by the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries as the Influenza A virus strain of subtype H3N8.
Equine influenza is a major virus disease that causes flu like symptoms in horses and is from the group of viruses that causes flu in humans. This is a major viral disease present throughout Europe, North America and parts of Asia.
The virus can be spread easily from horse to horse as a result of droplets and also from nasal discharge and from things like infected brushes and rugs. The disease is very contagious and there is almost 100% infection rate particularly in a population that has never been exposed, such as Australia.
A number of events were cancelled in response as the Australian authorities attempt to contain the outbreak. The FEI is closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates where necessary. Should you be in the regions affected, and would like more information, please contact the local authorities and your National Federation.