Earlier this week, Premier Doug Ford announced that several regions across the province will be entering into Stage 3 of re-opening. As of today, only 10 regions remain in Stage 2 as the rest of the province allows for larger gathering sizes and almost all businesses to re-open.

We have received many emails asking what this means for equestrian businesses. For those who live in an area that has entered Stage 3, the biggest change is the gathering size – 50 max. indoors and 100 max. outdoors, while maintaining social distancing.

Please access the link to the Government of Ontario’s Framework for Reopening our Province – Stage 3 and see a helpful chart below pulled from the document. This document outlines which areas of the province have entered into Stage 3 and what that allows. We ask that you review the document, identify if you’re in Stage 2 or 3 and continue to wear a face covering in spaces where physical distancing is a challenge. As we start to venture out to horse shows, hit the trails and visit cottages, we still need to protect ourselves and keep safety at the forefront of our minds.

Should you have any further questions or require any additional information, please email us at: info@ontarioequestrian.ca