Today we started a little earlier so we could get away on time for show jumping at Rectory farm. What a great venue – super footing and lovely colored jumps. Course was all set we just had to raise it to scary height. 😉

Jessica and Peter went first, then Hawley and I. Everyone’s horses really enjoyed jumping (finally) and did a super job! Woody was a little stressed when he got off the lorry and discovered there were cows in the field next to us. 🙁 He had to go back on the rig and have a time out. By then the cows had migrated down the field so he could manage a deep breath and warm up for his turn.

On the way home we got to hack through water at Mark Todd’s farm “Badgerstown.”

Dinner tonight was epic! Catherine and Benj (owners of Maizey Manor) hosted us at their lovely house. There was a Stella & Dot jewelry show and champagne. Always a good mix. 😉 Desert was Pavlova (Australian). Kinda like a crunchy merengue on the bottom with cream and fruit on top, heavenly! So many laughs my cheeks hurt.

Certainly enjoying the “process,” as they say. No matter what the outcome I have already learned tons and had such a good time. Long may it continue.
