Today was excellent! This am I went for a hack on those beautiful hills. There are 250 acres at Maizey Manor in total. Then I did some raised trot poles on the edge of the ring in a corner (so quite a steep bend) Woody didn’t touch one!

I watched Gin & Juice jump beautifully. Then I took Woody for a bath so he would be ready for Annabelle Scrimgeour in the afternoon. Anne Marie braided him, plus quarter marks so he looked stunning.

I was able to watch a few team mates tests, everyone had excellent rides and learned tones. Woody got mostly good marks and such helpful feed back. It was all on video so we got to watch it with Annabelle’s remarks. She was so positive and a great coach too! I feel so much more confident and excited for the future. A great day indeed:)

After work I went with Hawley to pick up Gamal from the railway station. We had a lovely Indian dinner together before heading back to the house.

Today was warmer too!  All in all everything is progressing beautifully. Couldn’t ask for more.  SUCH a LUCKY girl:)