Apr-9-1Everybody show jumped really well, but the day was not without incident. Is any eventer’s day ever without incident? First off was Kelly Damp’s ‘Zephyr’ who is fighting fit for cross country and rampaged his way around the show jumping. It’s great to see him so keen to do his job, but sadly his enthusiasm cost him a rail when he and Selena were still discussing pace at the base of a fence. He is a great jumper and Selena is going to work harder at riding his canter between the obstacles on cool brisk mornings. LOL She was really pleased with him despite her unlucky rail which didn’t change her placing. She and Zephyr are still in third place. One more thing re Zephyr, it turns out there is a photo of him taken last year in this year’s program. I have asked for a copy to be brought home for his owner (Kelly Damp) and myself. I am very fond of Zephyr whom I was lucky enough to ride for a year when his owner was at school in Europe.

Next off to the show jumping ring was John and Judy Rumble’s ‘Foxwood High.’ He is in fine form. He really seems to be doing a great job in the ring. Selena almost turned the wrong way to a fence that was in the one star course and rebalancing cost her one time penalty which subsequently cost her one place at the end of the day. Needless to say she was mad at herself. Sadly, later in the day, fourth placed Sinead Halpin and Manoir de Carniville made the same turn to follow the line of the one star course, and jumped the wrong jump to be eliminated. It is so very easy when you are competing in three or more different levels to make that mistake. Selena was thrilled with Woody’s show jumping and apologized to him for the wrong turn. At the end of the day she and Woody are in 13th position.

apr-9-2Last but definitely not least came Megan Wood’s ‘Derg Boru’. He had a fairly short warm up as they moved the class forward by 35 minutes at short notice. He and Selena had to discuss in the warm up, about whether he is allowed the odd buck of joy, or whether he should keep his bounciness for bouncing over the jumps. Being a jolly Irish chappie, he agreed with Selena that it was much more fun to bounce OVER the jumps and they went in and did an awesome double clear. Boy can that horse jump. He moved up to seventh place going into cross country, very impressive for his second ever two star outing.