From championing best practices to encouraging fun and participation, Equine Canada is a dedicated national voice working to serve, promote and protect the interests of horses and Canada’s equestrian community – it’s too bad we’re totally incompetent.

 Temporary Career Opportunity – Chief Executive Officer

 Equine Canada is the leading only national sport and equine organization in the country. It often fails to fulfill a broad range of governance, advocacy and development functions, all of which attempt to focus, in one way or another, on the horse and draw on the enthusiasm it arouses. As a result of its efforts existence and lack of rivals, Equine Canada is recognized by Sport Canada and the Féderation Equestre Internationale (FEI) as the national governing body for equestrian sport and recreation in Canada. It is the industry sector leader (nb: we don’t know what this means), and as such is recognized and supported by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada. In particular, its leadership in improving both the quality and condition of horses is lauded at home and abroad (we don’t know what this means either).

Equine Canada is currently seeking a new Chief Executive Officer to lead the organization for at least a week and the implementation of its strategic plan, One Vision (we know this sentence makes no grammatical sense but we are in a hurry).

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The Chief Executive Officer is sort of responsible for the overall management of the day-to-day activities of the organization with scant consideration given to members’ needs and the long-term sustainability of the organization. The Chief Executive Officer, at least when we have one (which isn’t all that often), reflects the governing principles of professional leadership and ensures that Equine Canada is prominent in its role as the voice for equestrians in Canada by building and/or enhancing strong relationships with stakeholders and serving as the organization’s primary spokesperson.

The Chief Executive Officer is accountable to the Board of Directors (who can be quite mean), with specific reporting lines to the President.

Complete job description (which is almost identical to the job description we sent out in the fall of 2012 that led to the hiring of Jean Christophe Gandubert, who obviously isn’t here any more – otherwise we wouldn’t be looking for a CEO)

Closing Date: Friday, February 14, 2014, 5 pm (Eastern Standard Time)

If you are ready for a challenge and to lead our national organization (especially in the improvement of our written English), please submit your resume, references and salary expectations fantasies, in confidence, to:

Michael Gallagher, President

Equine Canada

100-308 Legget Drive, Ottawa, ON K2K 1Y6


You may or may not receive a response to your application. The President to whom we have asked you to send your resume will cease to be the President approximately five days before the cut-off date for receiving your application.

One Final Pitch

If you have a lot of very short term ambition and absolutely no long term vision, the role of EC CEO is the job for you! Imagine the freedom you will enjoy, knowing that anything you start will never see completion. Because you will be let go. We guarantee it. Oh, sure, you might resign before the Board turns its hairy eyeball in your direction, but chances are you will be terminated. Fear not! If we fire you with cause, you can sue our pants off for wrongful dismissal. You’ll probably win because we the Board don’t really have much of a clue what you do in that office. And if we choose to terminate you without cause, well that’s an even sweeter deal. You will walk away with your reputation intact, and a nice fat severance package that is the norm for making a CEO go away quietly when a Board decides they don’t like the cut of his jib – even if we haven’t the faintest idea what a jib is.

Good luck! If you get the job make sure you take lots of pictures. You’ll need them when you’ve been sent packing so fast you can hardly believe you ever worked for us!