Passier-Cream---Colour-AdjustedAs with anything, taking proper care of your leather goods will greatly enhance their appearance and lifespan. This is true no matter what brand of saddle or accessories you are using. Nowadays, saddles are considered investments, and with the proper ‘tune ups’ should last 15-20 years (for a good quality, adjustable saddle that fits the rider and can be re-fitted to the horse as necessary. ) Adjustments are not just referring to reflocking; the tree needs to be adjustable in both angle and width at the gullet plate!

Maintenance refers not only to the obvious visual upkeep of repairing stitches, replacing billets, and addressing fit issues. One of the greatest misconceptions has been with the correct use of saddle soaps. Saddle soaps are basically exactly what their names imply: soaps, and as such are to be used for cleansing only. In fact, soap – which is basic, and sweat – which is acidic, are the two greatest enemies of leather if they are not removed. The reason that saddle soap is used is to rid the leather of accumulated sweat and grime which, if left on, will result in the leather becoming brittle and cracking. It is important to keep your saddle clean so that it doesn’t irritate your horse’s hide. Sometimes people don’t take the soap off the saddle once they clean it – and that is simply wrong! Read the full article here.

~ Jochen Schleese CMS, CSFT, CSE, courtesy of Saddlefit 4 Life