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Christilot Boylen Buys German Sale Topper

Canada’s Christilot Boylen scored the top selling horse at the 2012 Klosterhof Medingen Auction held on September 21 – 22, in Bad Bevensen, Germany. Boylen purchased Donatella Versace, a seven-year-old black Oldenburg mare (De Niro x Canaster I x Caprimond) for 167,000 euro. The mare’s original name was “Weideglück” and she is a full sister […]
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A New Mount for Ian Millar

Ian Millar has picked up a new ride. Millar has purchased the nine-year-old stallion, Baranus (Baloubet du Rouet x Centauer Z), from Dutch rider, Eric van der Vleuten. Van der Vleuten and Baranus won the Roosendal CSI 2* Grand Prix in May and took second in the Bonheiden CSI 3* Grand Prix in June.
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Farm Animals to Paint this Year’s Royal Poster

On Thursday, September 20th The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair will create a unique piece of artwork, painted solely by farm animals. With paint on their hooves and feet, a variety of animals including a horse, cow, pigs, sheep, and chickens will stride across a giant 16’X12’ canvas, creating a work inspired by abstract expressionism. A […]