This work, which is recommended for horses with too-high necks and hollow backs above all, is good for all young horses.
~ Nuno Oliveira

Book coverWorking “long and low,” with the neckline lowered and extended, is classified among the longitudinal relaxation exercises. Your horse is “long and low” when, having relaxed in his jaw, he gradually lengthens his neck and extends his head to seek the contact with the bit that he’s used to; then, without picking up or slowing his gait, he lowers the tip of his nose forward and downward, to approximately the height of his knees. The goal of this exercise is to get the horse used to extending his neck when he wants to cover ground, and rounding it to slow down, halt, or enhance specific movements. This work is only really useful if you alternate it with asking the horse to raise and round his neck and lower his center of gravity.

Asking the horse to lower his neck is a good conclusion to any important exercise (especially one that required prolonged effort and commitment from the horse), since it lets the horse free his back and relax the muscles that contributed the most to his work. His willingness to do this is also a sign that his posture during the exercise was correct (see illustration top left).
