I’m a handler in a model or line class. Where does the judge want me to stand so that I’m not obstructing his or her view?

I want you to stand directly in front of and slightly to the side, so that I have a direct line of sight to the front legs (the horse’s, not yours). It is critical that you remain stationary and not dodge or guess where I want to look next. This only serves to make my job more difficult; I know what I am looking for and can find it easier without distraction.

At the end of an under-saddle class the judge asks us to walk and line up. I often see others do a final pass at the trot – should I do this?

No. Walk does not mean trot. I am specifically watching for a proper, mannerly walk to the line-up and then, finally standing still. I have my order of placing, so don’t disobey the command!

At the end of an equitation course is it okay to reward my horse for a good performance with a pat?

Sorry, but no. You should hold onto the reins with both hands and wait until you exit the ring before rewarding your mount.
