The road to success in the horse business is paved with victory, defeat, and surprises - not all of them pleasant. Just ask Christopher Delia of St. Catharines, ON.
There are many factors that influence the jumping style of a horse, along with the rider's position, will affect how well a horse jumps with its front end.
One of the keys to successful cross-country riding is having a sense for pace and completing as close as possible to optimum time.
Karen Pavicic offers some advice and exercises to improve this important movement in lower-level tests.
Armin Arnoldt suggests ways to overcome spookiness and replace it with calm curiosity.
What Dr. Cook says about bits is shocking. If it weren’t for his extensive academic background, his views might seem altogether unbelievable.
For those who think braiding requires little work, Natalie Gascho’s advice is frank. ‘Make sure you aren’t afraid to work no matter what,’ she cautions.
Over the years, Wesley Newlands has ridden with, and credits her success to, some of the best.
After ensuring all basic nutrients are met, if your horse still has bad feet, there are a few things that an owner can feed to improve hoof quality.
Clinical signs of rabies in horses can take up to 12 weeks to appear after the initial infection. Once clinical signs appear, rabies is fatal.