Dissecting the Dance

Australian scientist and horse welfare advocate Dr. Andrew McLean discusses the rights of horses and how the Training Scale is being rewritten to promote kinder methods of training.

Out of the Darkness

If you see some of the signs of depression in your horse, what can you do? The first step, both Fureix and Mason agree, is to have your vet check the animal

The Road to Pony Finals

Qualification to the USEF Pony Finals is earned by being champion or reserve champion in your respective division at a USEF-rated national show.

Foot Perfect

Nearly 80 percent of all lameness issues stem from problems in the hoof. Horse Sport looks at what's going on inside and outside the hoof, what can go wrong, and how to fix it.

Junior League

The lack of youngsters taking up dressage in Canada could mean the sport will suffer down the road. How do organizers make dressage more fun and appealing to the next generation?