I was privileged to be part of a global group of stewards working at the Olympics in Rio this summer. Kate Horgan, Maria Henrek, Eric Straus, and myself were appointed deputy chief stewards for jumping – quite an unexpected honour for me. Unlike in London, I was at the Deodora venue for the entire span of the equestrian competitions and saw our sport showcased in a positive and genuine manner.

Although it was August and supposed to be ‘winter’ in Brazil, we had some super-hot and humid days. Our living facilities were army-like and barren, but they were clean and it seemed to me that every effort was made on behalf of our comfort. There was a bar in the army compound, all good!

The Brazilians produced excellent stabling and four very large exercise and warm-up areas with superior footing. These areas did not include the indoor facility or the very large grass and grazing area which doubled as the cross-country warm-up and schooling area. There was also a one-kilometre gallop track that was appreciated and well-used.
