This successful program matches enthusiastic graduates with busy equine businesses, offering free training courses and attractive financial incentives.
With a small team and a bit of funding, Nova Scotia is delivering impressive new programs to grow equestrian sport.
In this exclusive excerpt from "Grid Pro Quo", the Canadian eventer sets up exercises to improve your horse's footwork and your own position.
In a recent clinic in Langley, BC, the German taught the importance of re-establishing classic principals in modern competitive dressage culture.
In this exclusive excerpt from "The Athletic Equestrian", direct, indirect, supporting, leading and pulley reins are explained.
In this excerpt from Alison Lincoln's new book, she looks at breaking down your dressage test sheet as a useful tool for improving scores.
An excerpt from the classic reference guide for judges and competitors which has been updated for the modern hunter ring.
When weather keeps you inside, it can be the perfect time of year to establish a deeper connection with your horse.
Now that winter is here, switch up your arena lessons with some bareback work to improve your balance and your connection with your horse.
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