There has been a lot of conversation surrounding Canadian equestrians and their plans for the upcoming winter show season. For the past several decades, hundreds of Canadian competitors and their horses have headed south to show grounds in Florida, South Carolina, California and other American destinations. The reasons are many; keeping yourself and your mounts fit, competing all year round gave you an edge when you return, the level of competition in the US honed and tested your skills, and let’s not forget the palm trees and sunshine.

But with the ongoing Canada-USA border closed for the foreseeable future due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s unclear how many Canadians will ship horses south this winter. There’s been no word from the Canadian government on whether athletes would be considered “essential travel” come January 2021, and with no crystal ball on hand and the world upside down, no one wants to predict what may or may not happen to change the current state of things.

However, judging by the alarm bells sounding from global infectious disease experts, the pandemic is going to last well into 2021. So, what choices do our serious competitors have when they are forced to remain north of the 49th this winter?
