“Felix”, previously known as “Brooke”, passed away on Tuesday, January 16 2007, due to complications following colic surgery the previous week. The Veterinarians at OVC commented on his resilience and toughness throughout his illness which reflected the heart he showed throughout his life.

Bought off the track as a 4 year old in 1988 by Wayne Paxton. Deb McFadden, who christened him Simply Red (for his simplicity to ride and red coat), showed him in 1990 on the Trillium Circuit in both the 3′ and 3’6″ hunters in his first year showing. He went to Mike Grinyer’s from there and continued on to Tammy St. Pierre who showed him under Hugh Graham. He was successful in the equitation ring with Megan Wiebe until he came to the Baxter household in 1996. He was a wonderful horse for Jamie Baxter in both the equitation ring, the junior, and the amateur owner hunter divisions, qualifying for the CEF medal and the amateur owner hunter divisions at the RAWF in 1997 and 1998 respectively. He then competed in the adult hunter ring with Jan Baxter for 2 seasons. For the past 5 years, Felix enjoyed retirement from the show ring and had been a pleasure to ride for the Baxter’s and a few students under Linda Smith of Heron Ridge Farm. He will be sadly missed by many and remembered for the “attitude”, toughness and heart he showed both in the ring and at home. He deserves a special recognition for the years of fun and competition that he afforded Jamie and her mom, and for all the others that loved him along the way. Special thank you to the staff at OVC for all their care and support over the last two weeks, especially Dr. Butt, Dr. Trout and Kathryn Parsons.