Horses and Humans Research Foundation (HHRF) has developed a program called Focused Research Initiatives (FRI). HHRF will be selecting specific areas of interest and establishing teams to champion the initiatives. The end result will be the development of a specific call for proposals that will encourage research to support the focus interest, and a fund to award to the select research team.
Our first FRI is on equine-assisted activities for military veterans. This FRI team has established the attached survey for programs providing services to veterans with traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-traumatic stress (PTS) symptoms. The survey results will be used by the HHRF Veterans FRI Team to inform their decisions about the directions needed in research. Your participation in this survey will assist HHRF in understanding the scope of programs currently serving veterans with TBI and/or PTSD and help direct research goals to best serve them in the future.
The survey will take 7-10 minutes to complete.