The transition to digital will allow Horse Sport to dedicate more resources to serve the Canadian equestrian community where and when they are looking.
This summer, the Horse Publications Group conducted reader surveys for Horse Sport and Horse-Canada magazines for a chance to win $500. We wish to thank all those people who participated and gave feedback on the content of these titles and shared valuable suggestions for future issues. The winners of the random $500 prize money draws are […]
The Ontario Equestrian Federation would like to congratulate the 2013 OEF Award recipients who were recognized for their outstanding contribution to equestrian sport at a ceremony in their honour during the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Meagan Maloney of Stouffville, ON. was the recipient of the OEF Coach of the Year Award, which is presented to the […]
Equine Canada, through its Industry Council, has formed a working committee with members of the equine veterinary community to study and make recommendations involving equine veterinary pre-purchase examinations. As part of this study, the Industry committee is working in cooperation with Horse Sport magazine to conduct an opinion survey of horse buyers who have had […]
Horse Sport is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for the 2011 Horse Sport Young Riders’ Scholarship worth $5,000. Horse Sport has long been dedicated to supporting Canada’s up‐and‐coming riders and their equestrian aspirations. The Horse Sport Young Riders’ Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 as part of Horse Sport’s 30th anniversary celebration. […]
Horse Sport magazine has been nominated for an Equestrian Social Media Award by a marketing company in the UK called Abbeyview Equine. The award recognizes Horse Sport’s Facebook page in the category Best Use of Social Media by a Magazine. “This is a bit of an unexpected honour, as our Facebook campaign has only been […]