All the horses were absolutely wonderful cross country. We could not have asked for more.

Kelly Damp’s lovely horse Zephyr started the day with a double clear and fairly flew around for Selena, jumping with enthusiasm and really enjoying himself. It’s a great feeling when you are out there on horses that really want to play the game. Zephyr finished the event in third place, exactly where he finished the same event last year. He is nothing if not consistent. We have video of his dressage, which was really great. It was a big one star division. We are thrilled with his finish.

Next out was Foxwood High. He is SUCH a campaigner. He has been running every two weeks on hard ground and the ground at The Fork was pretty firm. Selena and I discussed strategy for the 3* run and had decided only to go as fast as the ground on the day allowed. We were hoping for some rain, but it never materialized. The ground had been aerated, however, as the cross country ran in reverse order of the Saturday night standings. She was quite late in the line up in 13th place out of about 50 horses and by that time a lot of the aeration has been pounded into the ground. She had a great round and took six time penalties. They cost her a couple of places, but with it being an Olympic year and Rolex just around the corner, she was very happy to take 11th place.

Last to go out on cross was Derg Boru, known to his friends as King Brian or KB. KB was in superstar mode this weekend and socked it to the course. It is only his second two star and he made it look easy, almost over jumping in his excitement. He really can jump and he had a wonderful time out there, which moved him up into 6th place to finish. Not too shabby for his second two star. Selena was very lucky to have the catch ride on Derg Boru this winter and we are grateful to his wonderful owner Megan Woods for the opportunity.

It was a good show for us, 3rd in the one star, 6th in the two star and 11th in the three star and highest placed Canadian in all three divisions.

As for here…it snowed again…’nuff said.