Today it is -25 and due to rise to a balmy -17 overnight. Tomorrow looks a bit more civilized in it’s temperatures, but today is definitely a non-riding day for everyone. This is our second straight day of not being able to ride because it’s just too darn cold. There is no wind and they have all had 3-4 hours in the paddock munching hay. They seem quite happy in the sunshine despite the brutal temperature. We are feeding them hot boiled linseed and extra salt in the morning before they go out and again in the afternoon when they come in. They are all drinking well.

Our Sunday Funday will be a video day this week. I have booked out a nice set of eight ‘British Eventing Training’ videos, and another set of 12 Ingrid Klimke grid work videos – all available for free on YouTube. The amount of free training, free seminars and free information available online continues to stagger me. I am not young enough to take it for granted; it still awes and amazes me.

I think I may have mentioned before that food tends to be an integral part of all Balsam Hall happenings. Today is no exception. There is an array of baking already on the table and rumours of scones to come. I love Sunday!