Today I went to hear Jane Goodall speak. I have always been a fan, but I must admit she was even more impressive than I expected. A small quiet spoken lady of 82 years of age, she is indomitable in spirit. I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you Wendy Waller and Susan Morgan for taking me.

Four of the horses are home. They travelled well and arrived around 11:00 p.m. tonight. They had planned on leaving The Fork at 6:30 a.m., but Benny didn’t want to load again and they were an hour late getting on the road. I cannot blame him. He has been trailered four times, the first time was three hours, the second time was 22 hours, the third time was 12 hours and I don’t blame him when he was reluctant to get on board again for his latest 15+ hour trip up from North Carolina. We have promised him some very short trips until he resigns himself to shipping once more.

Solo is perky and looks very happy to be back in his own stall. He is a sweet horse and I love him to bits. I went over to feed him a peppermint and he seemed very happy to see me. Zephyr was down having a nap when I visited. I went in and chatted with him and he had a peppermint too. He deserves a nap; he was a very good boy and worked hard this past weekend. Benny and Rummy look tired, but bigger and stronger than they were when they left. They will all be a lot more relaxed tomorrow after a good night’s sleep in their own stalls.

It’s nice to have Selena and Anne Marie home even if it is to be short lived. Selena leaves tomorrow and she takes Tori Morgan and her horse Bentley down to Plantation with her. They will be staying at Bruce Davidson’s Chesterland Farm. Woody, Derg Boru and Riley are already there. Lisa Marie Fergusson was kind enough to ship them there from the Fork while Selena brought the boys back here. Tori will bring Bentley home with her after Plantation this weekend and John and Judy Rumble’s Foxwood High will stay at Chesterland until Rolex. Woody has one more outing, Fairhill is offering a combined training with the four star test the week before Rolex. Selena is entered for that.

It’s hard to believe the winter is over and the horses are back, especially since, yes, it snowed again today. What is with the snowing every day, it’s really really really time to get warm.