The co-navigators. They take the journey in stride every year.

I’m writing this from the passenger seat as Selena drives through North Carolina. We left home right on time yesterday morning, and were out-running the snow storm, until a delay at customs let it catch up with us. We have four horses on board: Foxwood High, Zephyr, Rather Boldly and Thunderstruck as well as co-navigators Bizzy and Maizey. Selena got a brand new GPS for Christmas, but it’s currently in the doghouse after it decided in the last five minutes of our trip last night, that we should go on an detour down some rural Virginian roads that I would actually describe more as trails, and were in no way designed for a 50′ rig. In the end we did survive, and arrived at our “bed and bale” around 9:00 p.m.

If you are ever travelling with horses check out the website – they list layover barns all over Canada and the United States. This was Selena’s second year going to Lazy Acres, five minutes off the highway (unless your GPS is possessed) they have the stalls all ready for you when you arrive and the horses have a chance to drink, eat and sleep before starting the second leg of the trip today. The barn had hot and cold water, which was great as we could fill their buckets with warm water which is more appetizing and the horses got their doses of Regenereq Plus and EquiselBCAA before bran mashes for dinner.

So far today the sun is shining, and the temperature just made it above zero for the first time – things are looking good 🙂 With any luck we should arrive at Chesterland South around 7:30 p.m. tonight and then the unpacking begins!