So Selena and Tori left at seven am this morning. That will get them to the border for around 7.40 and through to the vet for 8am. It’s good to try and get to the vet early and not get stuck behind cattle trucks or more horses going through. It can be a very long wait. We once got there JUST as the vet started inspecting the ear tags of four transports of calves going to Russia, we were there for four hours. We had made an appointment but we still ended up waiting for the darn Russian cows.

No issues at the border today, the girls are on their way to Plantation and will be three quarters of the way there by now. Anne Marie gets to stay home with me and run Balsam Hall. At some point before Rolex she will set off to meet up with Selena and Woody for ‘the big one’.

At Balsam Hall today the sun has got his hat on, as the song says, and hip hip hip hooray. Solo and Zephyr did some light work but they are both still showing tired from their journey. That amount of travelling plus a week at a major horse show knocks the stuffing out them. The two babies who were accustomed to about 22 hours a day in the pasture while they were in Ocala are not thrilled by the lack of grass turnout and the chilly wind. They had just nicely acclimatized to Florida and are not enthused to be out in a -5 windchill. Get tough boys, if you are going to be eventers you are going to have to be all weather, all footing, all travelling survivors. Eventers are tough cookies.

I had both the girl doggies home for one day. Anne Marie’s Maizey is still here of course but Bizzy left again this morning with her mum. Eventer’s dogs also live a somewhat nomadic life and have to be very good travellers. As you can see, Bizzy is pretty laid back LOL