It was a fun day at both ends of NA. They had great fun at the Florida Horse Park on schooling day. Woody did a dressage test, King Brian did cross country, Zephyr did cross country, Anne Marie did cross country and show jumping with Riley and Selena also did cross country on a lovely horse called ‘Sammy,’ who is investigating a new career as an eventer, having been a dressage horse in his previous life. Here are some photos of King Brian, Selena’s newest competition ride. She hopes to take him two star. For his first time riding him she will do the Open Preliminary at Rocking Horse Winter 2 this coming weekend. Eek!

The days are long in Florida. I spoke to Anne Marie and Selena around 3:30 on their way home to the barn from the Florida Horse Park, they still had two more horses to work, barns to do and Woody to braid for the next day when he does the dressage and show jumping phases of the Advanced division at Rocking Horse. There are 56 entries for this first USA Advanced event of 2016 split into two divisions with two different dressage tests. The riders were able to choose which division they entered based on which dressage test they wanted to do. There are 20 riders in one division and 36 in the other. Selena is in Division A which is the smaller division.

At OHE North, it was also a lovely day. The sun shone, the temperatures climbed enough to make snow hacking the name of the game! Everyone who could get here in daylight went snow hacking. The horses look tired and happy tonight. They enjoyed their turnout too. Rolling and leaping and trying to canter around…that didn’t last long… Soft fluffy snow to hack in is one of the Canadian Winter’s ONLY saving graces. I grew up in the UK where snow is not a ‘given’ every winter and snow deep enough and fluffy enough to hack in is almost never seen. The snow there tends to have a lot of moisture in it and it’s heavy and packing. The first time I went snow hacking in Canada I was in love with it.