Marta and Thunder jumping the ‘big ditch’ at Chesterland South.

Today was cross country practice for Marta and Thunder. After all, it’s a leap day so we felt we needed to do some leaping. It’s the first time they have been able to do ‘real’ cross country together. They had a great time as you can see, and Thunder loved it. It’s very satisfying when everything goes just the way you want it to.

Benny went on another big boy hack and this time he absolutely aced it. He has worked out the whole thing and even walked up the knoll and over the log. He is so calm and brave. We are all madly in love with him. Rummy was ridden by Kelly Damp while she visited us. He was all business and gave Kelly a lovely ride. It’s so very rewarding to watch them grow in experience and trust. We are all still absolutely crazy about both our OTTBs.

Kelly and Zephyr enjoying their moment in the sun.

This weekend is Rocking Horse Winter 3, then the weekend after that is the Redhills CIC*** in Tallahassee This is one of our favourite events. It is terribly well organized and everyone makes the riders feel very welcome. The hospitality tent that serves orange juice, coffee, fruit and…wait for it…Krispy Kreme donuts… isn’t bad either. On the Tuesday before the horses leave for Redhills there is the Nations Cup. Eventers from all different countries get together for a show jumping Nations Cup. Selena won this with Bellaney Rock in 2014 and I know she is going to have a good go at trying to win again this year. There is a live stream I believe. As soon as I get the link for it I will post it here on the blog.