Today was a fun day for a Monday. There is no such thing as a traditional Monday in the Ocala barns. There are a queue of horses waiting their turn for Selena and Anne Marie’s attention. Rummy and Benny both were lunged in the Pessoa after nearly a week off. They were both quite happy to be back in work and pointed their toes like pros. Solo and Riley are sulking because they didn’t get to go to Red Hills. They are old enough to feel ‘left behind.’ The cost of entries and stabling with the USA dollar so very strong against the Canadian dollar tells me they will probably not be doing any competing until they come home, they should count themselves extremely lucky to be training and conditioning in the sunshine…I wish I was training and conditioning in the sunshine…

Here at Balsam Hall, the Watsons came for a visit. Most of you will know that Selena and I have been involved in the breeding program at Watson Farms for over 30 years. We love Watson horses. They are sane, sensible and lots of fun. Dana Watson and her nine-year-old daughter Addison were our weekend guests. Addison is horse mad and got up early to go help in the barn….I love it! She rode Watson’s Peanuts both days. Peanuts took Selena to the two star level and has been an outstanding dressage schoolmaster here at BH since he retired as a competitor. It was very cute to see Addison riding him around the farm, he is SO careful with her.

Bruce Davidson SR and JR with Aubrey Brook Davidson.

Red Hills is over, but nobody gets to rest on their laurels. The Carolina’s CIC*** is two weeks away and then the Fork two weeks after that. Then Woody gets a little break from competing before Rolex. He will go to Bruce Davidson’s Pennsylvania farm to ‘do some hills’ in preparation for the rolling hills of Kentucky. Talking of Bruce…biggest news of the day, Aubrey Brook Davidson was born last night to parents Buck and Andrea Davidson. Huge congratulations and welcome to the World Aubrey Brook.