Maizey who belongs to Anne Marie has a penchant for swimming in the water troughs. It’s not totally appreciated by those who clean the water troughs out, but the vision of her squiggling herself back out the trough is definitely entertaining.

Another of my lovely horses left to it’s new forever home and his new mum. It is so bittersweet when you know you have done everything right for them, but it’s time to let go and have them start their new life. I love buying horses, I love owning horses and I find selling horses is an emotional minefield. Today was the turn of ‘Watson’s Dresden.’ I rode his grandfather ‘Ramiro’ Grand Prix dressage…once. Okay, it was only once, but he did it and we were not last! I also rode him side saddle at the Royal Winter Fair, he was a great stallion and a lot of fun. Dresden is a chip off the old block and the sort of horse I would like for myself. We want to congratulate Heather Coyne of PA on her purchase of a beautiful horse.

The weather in Florida is driving rain and no indoor arena in sight. The forecast for the afternoon is meant to lighten up a bit. Selena managed to get Woody done early in the morning before the rainstorm hit and now she is hanging on in the hope that she doesn’t have to get drenched to work the other three. Meanwhile she and Anne Marie are spending their time entering Rummy for the Retired Racehorse Thoroughbred Makeover. There is quite a lot to do and the entries close on January 31st. We are super excited about Rummy. He and Benny both belong to O’Hanlon Eventing and are, therefore, ‘sale horses.’ However, Selena is putting the cash together to buy at least one of them if not both of them as ‘keepers’ to see just how far they can go. They are both such sweet temperaments and they both have a great work ethic, we feel we really lucked out when we found them.

As I said yesterday, somehow Solo has inveigled his way onto the trailer and has his sunglasses, his sun tan lotion and his bucket and spade all packed. I am sure I am going to regret this decision when all the bills in US dollars start rolling in, but it just seems so pointless to have him ‘ticking over’ for three months when he could be moving forward. I doubt if he will compete unless I win the lottery, but he will be ready to kick ass when the time comes. I hope he will do either Jersey Fresh or Bromont this year..and maybe just The Fork on the way home 😉