Benny is starting to find his balance and float out that beautiful shoulder.

Yesterday afternoon and evening was meant to be a big super snow/ice/freezing rain storm which fizzled out into a dusting of snow on a dusting of ice. Nothing in the least bit exciting. The horses were able to go out in the paddocks although we left an empty paddock between groups as the only place there was ice was along the fence line. By leaving every second paddock empty we limited their enthusiasm for going over to the fence line. I will be very happy when all this is over, the grass has come through, the paddocks have all dried and we can turn out whenever we want.

Not enough snow to hack so the horses had to work indoors again. Our indoor gets a bit tedious around about March. In November it’s easier to get enthused about the mirrors and the music system but by March it takes more than mirrors and music.

My dogs are also feeling the winter pressure. They are low riders and don’t do well in the snow. It tends to be a short turnout for Jack Russells in the winter. Only one of my three JRs will move if he has a coat on. The other two come to a grinding halt and stand there until I take it off again. Any horse owning JR worth it’s salt has to wear it’s coat if it’s going to go to the barn in the winter, I can’t even train my dog to wear it’s coat….total fail.

It was a big day for Benny. He did his first jump. He trotted and cantered over poles and finally he trotted over a little jump. What he lacked in style he made up for in enthusiasm. He is such a happy chappie. He smiles all the time. He is pleased to see you whenever you visit, whether he is in the paddock or in his stall. He is thoroughly enjoying his first winter in the sun. I will ask Anne Marie and Selena to take their March photos so that we can see how far they have come in their growth and musculature. I know Selena is really pleased with them both.