by Susan Stafford-Pooley

As many of you know, this is my first Olympic Games. I have been to more jumper shows and three-day events than I care to remember, and I am a bit of a tough old bird by nature, but I have to say that watching Michael Jung win the individual eventing final today on his wonderful horse Sam choked me up. To complete so many jumping tests, both cross-country over an unforgiving course and through two difficult show jumping rounds, and finish without a single penalty, was nothing short of mind-boggling. Watching an Olympic medal ceremony is a sight to behold. There is nothing else like it – the Games are the real deal, the absolute epitome of sport.

Olympic Medal Ceremony, Team Eventing.

I forgot to mention that yesterday’s cross-country feed on the screens here (and hopefully for you at home watching CBC online coverage or however you happen to view it) was absolutely the best I have ever seen. The Olympic Broadcasting Services had cameras everywhere, on high wires that zoomed overhead for hundreds of meters, and even one on a rail that ran right beside the horses down to the final jump. I was certain that would cause some epic spooking, but trust me, those horses were too tired to care by the end of that course. You could have lined that stretch with umbrellas and plastic bags and mailboxes and they wouldn’t have even noticed.

Quick Notes & Random Thoughts:

There was even more Trotting Up Of The Troops today – massive squadrons running for miles along the roadways leading to the Olympic Equestrian Centre, guarded by soldiers with automatic weapons (I hope they are only guarding, not shooting the ones who falter). I have to say that Brazil must have the fittest army on the planet – if a world war ever came down to a foot race, they would certainly win.

Samba For Gringos

Every day we toil in the press tribune, a high aerie in the rarified air at the top of the stands which is covered so we don’t burn our tender skins and can actually see our computer monitors. Out in the arena there is a lot of fun stuff going on for spectators on the jumbotron – trivia, games, interviewing audience members and such. Today they played “Samba for Gringos,” an instructional dance video that was actually really cool.

Deodoro Diet is going well. No time for breakfast or lunch, and dinner is inhaled in three minutes before returning to the hotel room to write until midnight. Down 5 lbs already.

And finally, I am flabbergasted by the dearth of a decent cup of coffee around here. There are no cafes of coffee shops, and the watery swill they serve in the commissary just ain’t cuttin’ it. I had this stupid little earworm running through my head today, an old novelty song by Frank Sinatra called “Awful Lot of Coffee in Brazil.” You can check it out here. Oh yeah? Well, where is all this alleged coffee?