Canadian horse trainer, Josh Nichol, and his wife, Cindy, have been faced with an impossible situation, and they are appealing to the horse community to spread the word.

The couple, based in Meanook, Alberta, adopted a little boy from Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, last year. The process, which began in August 2012, was to be finalized last November, and Christopher, then 18 months old, was supposed to fly home with his new mother after spending several weeks getting to know each other in Kinshasa. But thanks to bureaucratic red tape in both countries, that trip still hasn’t been permitted. Christopher is still in his native country, in foster care, waiting to come home.

In order for Christopher to join his parents and siblings – seven-year-old Taylor-Rae and five-year-old Jackson – the Democratic Republic of Congo must issue an exit authorization letter and Canada must issue a visa for the child. It appears as though there is a stalemate between the two governments, however.

The Nichol family asks that you contact Canadian Immigration Minister Chris Alexander at 905-426-6808 and Steven Harper’s Calgary office at 403-253-7990 to ask how and when this situation will be resolved. Also contact your local major newspaper and local media, and ask the same questions. This family and others like them do not deserve to be separated.

To learn more about the situation, read the National Post article.