The Canadian Show Jumping Tournament (CSJT) is more than just another horse show. Each year, the show jumping event is able to grant a child’s wish through its partnership with the Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada, and this year will be no different. A Children’s Wish recipient will be presented with a horse or pony during the CSJT held September 22-26 at the Caledon Equestrian Park in Palgrave, ON.

The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada works with the community to provide children living with high-risk, life-threatening illnesses with the opportunity to realize their most heartfelt wishes. Last year, the CSJT raised more than $40,000 for the Children’s Wish Foundation and was able to make a very special presentation to Anna Edwards, who received her own pony. Adding to the excitement, Anna, 11, of Tisdale, SK, received her new pony from two of the biggest names in Canadian show jumping, Olympic Champion Eric Lamaze and nine-time Olympian Ian Millar.

Anna’s mother, Julie Edwards, recalled that very special afternoon by saying, “One of Anna’s dreams is to show jump, so it meant quite a lot to her to go and see the show jumping and meet Eric Lamaze and Ian Millar. She follows Eric Lamaze quite a bit, any articles that she sees she has to take home.”

She added, “To go to Ontario was amazing. We were just reminiscing about it recently. Everybody was just fantastic when we were there. It was great to have the support from people and for it to be possible for Anna to have her wish. The wish means so much to us.”

The Edwards family first found out about the Children’s Wish Foundation through a family member. Anna’s father, Joe Edwards, explained, “Our daughter had been diagnosed with a tumor, so my sister contacted them. Because of the type of illness our daughter has, it all happened really quickly. There wasn’t any question that Anna would be qualified.”

It came as no surprise to her parents that Anna’s wish would involve horses.

“We have horses, and Anna had her own horse about three years ago,” recalled Joe. “We had to put him down because he was very old and he was quite sick. That’s how Anna decided that she wanted a horse for her wish.”

Of her wish being granted, Anna said, “I was really happy when I found out that I was getting a pony. I got him on my tenth birthday. I like his coloring. He’s grey in his face and a mixture of grey, black, and brown. He has a white blanket on his hindquarters, starting at his withers, with black spots.”

Upon their return to Saskatchewan, the family brought Skye, a 14hh Pony of the Americas, to their farm at home where he lives with the family’s other horses. Julie and Anna, along with Anna’s sister Ayla, all ride and take care of the ponies and horses. Skye immediately became part of the family.

“He’s quite a character; he keeps us on our toes!” said Julie with a laugh. “Skye does anything you ask him to. He’s very talented and has very good training. You can also ride him bareback with a halter. You can go out trail riding but you can also go to competitions. You can lead him down the road if you want to take him for a walk, like a puppy dog. We’ve put our nieces and nephews on him. Anna has a lot of fun with him. We all do. He’s special to everybody.”

Anna agreed, laughing, “He likes to play tricks on us. He likes his food a lot, too. When he’s finished with his food, he’ll bite his bucket and throw it up in the air! He’s really smart. It means a lot to me to have him. He’s one of my best friends.”

Julie expressed, “Everywhere we go, people ask about him. It’s nice because we get to share with a lot of people how we got him. We couldn’t imagine life without him.”

Skye had previously been kept at the farm of Daryl and Gayle Cartier, and Anna now travels there to have lessons. Anna’s goals with Skye include learning how to jump and reining.

In addition, the Edwards also became friends with Skye’s previous owner.

“We keep in touch with the previous owner, which is very special to us,” said Julie. “She gave us a photo album of Skye growing up from a foal. That means a lot to Anna. And the previous owner now has a horse that she named after Anna because Anna is special to her.”

The Canadian Show Jumping Tournament will once again be raising money for the Children’s Wish Foundation this year so that another recipient can be granted their wish for a horse or pony, just like Anna. The Children’s Wish “Celebration,” which will include dinner, live and silent auctions, and an expanded charity casino with a “Monte Carlo” theme will be held Saturday, September 25.

The Children’s Wish “Celebration” is just one of the fundraising activities that go on throughout the week-long tournament. The “Ribbon Campaign,” an interactive idea designed to allow participation throughout the tournament from the competitors, will also be held again this year. Simply by donating the ribbons they win, riders are contributing their prize money to the Children’s Wish Foundation by doing what they do best – riding and competing. In addition, Equestrian Factory Outlet donates a $1,000 gift certificate to outfit the Children’s Wish recipient in riding apparel.

“We were extremely successful and had tremendous support from the horse community last year and were able to raise $40,000 for Children’s Wish,” said Craig Collins of Equestrian Management Group, the organizers of the CSJT. “That’s our target again this year, and we’re looking forward to the opportunity. The money we are able to raise for Children’s Wish comes from the members of our sport, as a result of everyone coming together to make a child’s dream of owning a horse or pony come true.”

Chris Kotsopoulos, CEO for The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada, said, “The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada is very grateful to the Canadian Show Jumping Tournament for their generosity in granting one of our wish children their horse wish each year. Over 25 years, The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada has granted more than 15,000 wishes and has never denied an eligible child their wish. The support of organizations and events like the Canadian Show Jumping Tournament allows us to maintain this tradition. I am privileged to attend this event and experience first-hand the incredible commitment and dedication of the organizers and the equestrian community and, of course, the joy they provide to our very special wish children.”

Tables for the Children’s Wish Foundation “Celebration” at the Canadian Show Jumping Tournament are available for purchase, and individual tickets are also available. Please call 905-880-5344 or e-mail

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