Alex and Vitall in the Grand Prix at the Palm Beach Equine Complex.

Time is flying by, and I am having a blast. The horses are handling the heat really well. A lot of horses often stop sweating and drinking in this heat, but all mine so far are doing great. I start riding early in the mornings and finish before the heat of the day.

I’m really happy with the progress with the horses over the last little bit.

My four-year-old mare Faye learns so quickly. People say it’s a long road to bring your own horse along and it is, but it is truly amazing at the same time. The bond you have with them and teaching them everything they know, is really special and unique. Faye will do her first competition mid-August at Palm Beach Equine Center.

Cooper a seven-year-old gelding I purchased last summer is starting to shine through. He has been very difficult to teach flying changes. I have had to use all my tools in the tool box to figure it out. Finally he is starting to understand what I am asking for. Practice and patience goes along way.

I have been doing a lot of cross training with the horses – trot poles, bounces and trail rides. Cross training is a huge part of my training programme. I find it keeps the horses’ minds fresh and keeps them interested in their work. Plus it’s fun to get out of the ring and just have fun with them. It’s a nice mental break for me as well.

Vitall and I did our second competition of the summer this past weekend. We continue to improve as we gain experience. It’s all in the “ring miles.” Every time you go in, you face new and old challenges.

This was the first time Vitall had been in the covered arena at Global show grounds during season everything is held outside. He was a little spooky and tense the first day and we made some mistakes, but recouped for the second test.

I am using the tools from my mental coaching each time I compete. I make sure I take a few moments to myself before I get on and visualize my test and focus on breathing and find my “space.” This has been a key tool for me. Focus has never been difficult for me. Sitting and visualizing and working on my breathing really helps me get into the mind frame you need to be before you compete. I manage to empty my thoughts of anything else from that day or previous days and focus on the here and now.

If anyone is looking for a fantastic mental coach I highly recommend Dirk Stroda from Kelowna B.C. He works with many athletes of all disciplines. Dressage Canada introduced Dirk to me this past season as part of the workshops that were held during the winter months. To learn more about Dirk check out his website.

I have two more competitions planned for this summer at Palm Beach Equine Complex and White fences mid-August.

After receiving many wonderful applications from Canadian Juniors, I have chosen my new team member and working student, Nicole Jackson, 18, from Burlington, Ontario. Nicole came out for a five-day trial to check out Florida and see if this was fit for her to come and be a working student starting early next year. Nicole was absolutely fantastic, took great initiative in her work, handled the horses extremely well. Nicole managed to get some riding in and even a little beach time before she headed home. The heat and the humidity is a bit of a challenge when you first arrive but she adapted pretty quickly. I am extremely excited have such a fantastic team player join my team.

I also would like to thank my current Groom/Barn Manager Ashley Wilson from Seattle, Washington. She is doing a fantastic job as my second pair of hands. Ashley has years’ of experience in the horse industry and stable management.

Having a strong supportive team around you is extremely important as we all know this is not a one man show. It takes an army to get us down centreline and without the help and support of our grooms, family and friends none of it would be possible.

The upgrades to the property are now finished. We have added three additional grass paddocks. In total we have 10 paddocks. Added a new electric gate, upgraded the lunging arena, and all new fence boards in the paddocks. We also did a fair bit of landscaping, added two water fountains to the pond at the front of the property and to the second one at the side of the property. The fountains are fresh water fountains to help keep the bugs down!

I still have four large stalls available. Full board or dry stall options are available. The property is a welcome oasis for horses to come home to after a busy weekend. It’s extremely private, relaxed atmosphere, the horses simply relax. The comments after coaches, vets and friends arrive on the property is “Wow, so peaceful”

Please email me if you are interested in boarding or training for the 2014-2015 Wellington season.