Found Results from The Dressage Dream


I was jumping for joy this past weekend, finally 8 1 tempi’s! During the week I managed to get 6 but this weekend I got 8. It couldn’t have happened on a better day. It was a brisk and sunny Saturday morning, we were all training outside for the first time this year and Anky had stepped […]


All I can say about it is… WOW!! And now I need to majorly catch up on some ZZZ’s. On Friday we went to a big field that was set up with a bunch of tents and different bands playing, it was a big festival and neat to see people in various costumes. The group […]

All Settled

The new apartment is starting to feel like home now and I’m really enjoying it. Oslo likes his new home, he has found his spot on the couch by the window where the sun shines in… he sleeps there all day just basking in the sunshine. My dad always says he wants to come back as […]

New Apartment / team work

This past week has been really busy training and MOVING!! I moved down the street to a new apartment with another girl who I train with.  I decided to move so I could hsave some more space and make a bit more of a “home”.  I loved my room at Anky’s, but I felt like […]

Alone Time

Anky was away in Spain this past week for a clinic so I had some time to train on my own. I experimented with the changes and tried a few other movements from the Grand Prix test.  I left the one tempi’s alone a bit and worked on basic single changes as well as 4,3,2 tempi’s to gain some […]

Being Creative

Being creative has been the name of the game for training over the last little bit. We have to keep tricking Vitall for his 1 tempi’s because he is getting so excited and hot off my leg. If I even touch him he is ready to go and pretty much just takes off. It’s like a kid […]

Early Spring

It feels like spring here! It’s amazine how quickly the weather can change. Before I left Holland it was freezing with snow everywhere and now it’s 11 degrees and sunny. The last week and a bit I have jumped back into training full force and I’m really happy with the breakthroughs I’ve had with Vitall. The system we […]


Happy New Year!! Sorry for no updates for the last few weeks. I didn’t bring my computer home and I took the last few weeks to just veg out and be with my family. I’m now back in Holland after a fabulous xmas. Hope everyone had a great holiday and that 2011 brings greatness for everyone! […]

Flu Season

Vitall is all better now but has passed it on to me. Never the less, I continue to train with coughing fits in between. My boy has been a star since he has been back at work. The first few days back, I just did easy work stretching and working on transitions. The key to training this […]

Cold Season

Well this weekend I won’t be going to Uden anymore to do the practise show. Vitall has a bit of a cold so the vet suggested a few days rest and then light work with some antibiotics.  But earlier this week training went really well and I was very pleased with him. We went through […]