Found Results from The Dressage Dream

Special. Special. Special

I was really looking forward to riding the Grand Prix Special at the Regional 3 Championships at the Global Show Grounds, Wellington, Florida which took place last week. Although I was a late entry, I was accepted. To my surprise some 400 horses participated in the show competing in five rings. On arriving, the grounds […]

It’s a Wrap

We are officially falling into fall, but the Florida heat hasn’t let up yet. It’s still really hot and humid but I feel like I am used to it, finally! If it drops down below 25 I feel cold. Never thought I would say that. Finally all the improvements are done around the farm. It’s […]

Halfway Through Summer

Time is flying by, and I am having a blast. The horses are handling the heat really well. A lot of horses often stop sweating and drinking in this heat, but all mine so far are doing great. I start riding early in the mornings and finish before the heat of the day. I’m really happy […]

Rainy, Rainy, Rainy Florida

Everyone is always telling me they don’t stay in Florida for the spring/summer because it’s too hot, but it’s not that bad at all, little humid but every afternoon you can count on thunderstorms and rain and when it rains its pours! Poor Oslo thinks he is going to have a heart attack after every […]

The End of WEF

Time just flew by here in Welly Land. I feel like I just got here and it’s already over. It’s been a fantastic few months reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. I’ve had a blast working with my youngsters and developing them can’t wait to bring them out next season. This has been […]

So Far So Good In Wellington!

Just had the horses’ feet done – great farrier, I’m really happy with his work. First class!! I now know the lay of the land. I have found a good hairdresser, a supermarket called Fresh that has all organic veggies etc., a feed store called Grand Prix, owned by a Canadian couple from Quebec, and […]

The Big Move to Welly Land

Just want to start this blog by apologizing the delay in between blogs. I got so busy preparing for my trip I felt like a chicken with my head cut off, with packing and cramming in as much training as possible. Here is an update just before the move. It’s been a very busy three […]

Working on the Details

A few weeks ago, I was coaching in Arezo, Italy. What a beautiful show grounds. The place had about seven arenas. We had lovely weather and the food was to die for. It was food heaven. I’m looking forward to going back next year with my own horses. Vitall is doing great. I can’t wait […]

The Pursuit of Perfection: Dressage

This is the second video put out by Land Rover UK. They’re doing videos on each equestrian discipline, and this one gave me goose bumps .I love the analogies they use to describe what we do. “To have the mentality and training like a kindergarten teacher, patient and instructions easy to understand.” I also love […]

Horsing Around

The last few weeks I have had the opportunity to visit some really cool stables. I was able to check out VDL Stud, one of their sales barns. It consisted of nine barns. It was just huge, with fields surrounding the entire property.Everywhere I looked I saw a horse, and next to the fields with […]