Found Results from The Dressage Dream

Winter Training

Everything has gone well for the last week, not much going on. It has gotten really cold and it actually snowed a bit the other day! Oslo is now wearing his jacket everyday; we both bundle up every morning. Training went well this week. I sat down and had a meeting with Jan to make […]

Details, details, details

This past weekend I competed in the Swedish championships but not in the championship classes. Vitall was good the first day, I rode the PSG and he got a bit behind me in the trot work but the canter work was Ok. Jan and I thought we needed to get him into the ring again […]

New website

My new website is up and running, the address is check it out. I am going to be putting up training videos once a month . Jan has been away most of this week but I managed to get two great lessons in. My lesson on Thursday was fantastic, he taught me some great […]


It has been a pretty easy going week, a lot of our young horses went to Flyinge for the breeders competion and all of them have done exceptionally well.  Jan has gone to Italy for the weekend so I have been able to ride lots of horses which has been a lot of fun. I got to ride […]


This week went by pretty quickly – time seems to be flying so quickly it’s kinda scary. The Kyra clinic was very educational to watch, I love how hands on she is with the riders. She is always right there, every step, explaining or physically showing you where to place your legs or hands which is something I […]


We have started the descent into winter. Fall has hit hard here, it is now frosty in the mornings and there is tons of rain. We have a small lake in the outdoor arena! All the horses are bundled up in warm blankies and so am I. I can’t believe how quick the temp dropped […]

Small World

It was a long weekend, I worked two 12 hour days. It was exhausting. I was up at 5:30 on Saturday to clean stalls, ride, feed, do paddock changes, etc. Then on Sunday I had 5 paddock changes to do and hand walk 3 horses, two of them twice, each for 30 minutes. By the time 6pm Sunday night rolled around, I […]


I took the day off the Monday after the show to take my mom to the train and spend the morning with her. I was sad to see her leave. It’s hard not seeing her everyday like I am used to because we share so much together with the horses. But xmas is around the […]


Wednesday Jan was taking photos of the stallions for the Tulstorp website. Melanie and I were sweeping the aisle when we saw this flash go by and thought it was a bird. When all the horses in the barn went mental, we realized the streak had been one of the stallions. lt took almost and hour to catch him. He was having […]

This Is Why I Ride:

Have you often wondered why we do this day after day for five minutes in the ring. I have several times. But today, I had an Aha moment after my lesson. It was such a great feeling I said to myself “THIS IS WHY I RIDE!” It was a beautiful day 25* outside it was […]