Found Results from The Dressage Dream


The past couple lessons have gone great and I’m enjoying every minute of learning lots of new little techniques. I really like how Anky stops you and breaks everything down and makes sure that you understand what it is you’re doing. For example, Vitall, as I’ve mentioned before, gets very strong on the left. Every […]

Balance and Inspiration

It’s all about the basics. The basics are what is difficult in dressage. Once you know your basics you move up but in so doing we tend to forget about the “basics”, even though they’re the back bone of every excersise. The second any excersise becomes difficult, sit back and go back to the beginning. That’s what I have […]


A day with the big guns. Today Anky’s was very busy. Patrick Kittle was training with Scandic and later this afternoon Hans Peter came with Nadine and one other horse not sure who it was. I ended up sharing my lesson with Hans Peter which was kinda cool. Anky loves to teach, her passion is inspiring. […]


It was a very long drive. The weather was good and it didn’t snow much, just a tiny bit in Denmark. Vitall was really good on the ferry from Denmark to Germany. He was traveling backwards and had lots of space to put his head down and stretch his neck. He just munched his hay the entire […]

New Adventure

I have spent the last few days packing up because I have decided to go and work with Anky and Sjef for a bit. The Dutch have the winning system and I want to learn what its all about and get in on there secrets. I have loved my time at Jan’s and I have […]


I’ve had a great two weeks at home. Couldn’t have asked for a better trip. We had a nice Christmas dinner, my little nephew dove into the turkey! I was completely stuffed after dinner and definitely did not need another meal for days. My dad teased me about my priorities when I first got home. […]

Time to go home!

The last week went by really fast. The Christmas party was a lot of fun, the food was fantastic but not as amazing as the performance. I was so impressed by the singing. They sang mostly Swedish Christmas songs which I didn’t understand but it was ok. It was nice to be out with everyone, laughing and having […]

Christmas Festivities Have Begun!

This week has gone by really fast. I was pretty tired Monday after working the weekend. This week I’ve been riding a few extra horses since Jan is away in Texas for the USDF symposium.  I got all my xmas shopping done now. I found great Christmas cards so I was pleased. I went to […]

Sick Sick Sick :(

Not much to report over the last few days. I have come down with some sort of bug… no, not H1N1 (swine flu). Everyone here keeps bugging me that it is because I haven’t taken the shot for it. So I have just been resting, in fact all I have been doing is sleeping for […]

Training Systems

This past weekend was so much fun! I went to visit Emelie, a friend I made when she used to work here. It was so nice to be in a house and have a home cooked meal. I have adopted her family as my Swedish family since mine are so far away. Oslo has also made a girlfriend […]