Found Results from The Dressage Dream


My muscles are so sore! I think my body has gone into shock after having vacation for 6 weeks. I have been back riding every day and to the gym as of Monday. I also spend about 10 minutes stretching this morning. It’s amazing how much strength you loose in just a small amount of […]

Easing back into work

I’ve started to ride a bit now. The first day I just cooled Vitall out. I was dying to just sit on him and I was pleased I was able to hold the reins. Based on that, I decided that I could try a lesson. The lesson went well but it was a bit painful […]

Back across the pond!

It is absolutely freezing here. I was spoiled being home with our 12-15 degree weather.  Vitall is doing really well. They took excellent  care of him. He gave a big nicker when I called to him the first day at the barn and his eyes lit up. I think he thought I sold him. I watched […]

Wrapping Up

A wonderful 17 days has come to an end and Vancouver did a great job hosting the games. It felt like the city was a spring break destination for the last few weeks, it’s been non-stop partying. I think it is safe to say that everyone across the country is PROUD TO BE CANADIAN! This week I am […]


Whistler was a blast! It felt like spring up there, actually all of Vancouver is like spring! You would never know it’s the winter Olympics with the sunshine we are having! Every street in Vancouver is crowded with people swarming everywhere – you hear the National Anthem being sung every other minute. You really feel […]

Olympic fever!

The opening ceremonies were very well done. It really showed the different cultures and our history with the Aboriginal. The organizing committee really took the opportunity to embrace Aboriginal people through story telling. I must say, Vancouver has really come together as a city. It’s been really fun going downtown to all the different events they have on. […]

Olympic fever!

My flight home was rather exciting. On the plane with me were the Russian and Romania teams and the Italian and Dutch officials. It was a very colorful flight as every one was dressed in their country’s colors. Russia being the boldest in red. I sat next to one of the Italian officials. It was fun to get […]

Bad luck

This past weekend I slipped and fell on some ice and, unfortunately, landed the wrong way. I ended up breaking my wrist. I was so angry never mind the pain! It’s awful! Oslo and I are flying home this Friday for the next 4 weeks. Since I can’t do anything (not even my hair) I […]

This week’s update

Things have gone well again this week, Vitall is really coming along and getting lighter and lighter every day. He is starting to move through his body in a different way. He has more power coming through that I didn’t even know was there – it is an incredible feeling. The other day my lesson was almost […]


Unfortunately, I did not get to go watch jumping Amsterdam because all the tickets were sold out. I guess I should have planned it a bit better. Oh well, better luck next time! The weekend went by fast. I went out to the local pub with the girls from the barn. We had a lot of […]