Found Results from The Dressage Dream

Back in Action in Wellington

It’s been awhile since I have given everyone an update, but I will be back in action blogging two times a month! I can’t believe I am going into my fourth summer here in Wellington, Florida. Time flies! The horses have been going really well. Vitall had a bit of a set back over the […]

Injury Recovery and Body Maintenance Therapies

In our sport, injuries do occur. Also chronic pain and joint problems from repetitive wear and tear on our bodies is commonplace. Treatment of injuries or pain and preventative maintenance programs are critical in maintaining our health and minimizing training downtime. Ongoing active exercise programs are ideal to build fitness suitable for a riding lifestyle. […]

5 Reasons Horses Are Like Toddlers

Okay, so you all know that I live and work with horses everyday. While I don’t have any children of my own, I played a big role in raising my nephew, Liam. I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between my horses and Liam when he was a toddler. I’ve come to the conclusion, there […]

Checking in From Horse Paradise

Can’t believe I have been in Wellington for three years. Feels like yesterday I left Europe. Palm Beach Equine has been my home for the last two years with the horses. It is walking distance to Global Dressage Show grounds – we just cross the street walk along the canal and we are there. Same […]

Frightening Fun in Wellington

At last Florida’s summer heat and humidity is finally moderating with November on the door step. My dogs have, as a result, recovered their energy during the day and the horses can move out of the shade. The year seems to have flown by. After four years in Europe it has taken time to adjust […]

New Additions to the Team

Unlike the west coast of Canada where I grew up, South Florida has no fall. It’s still hot and humid with the summer rains and storms continuing. As I am out in the strong sun for a good part of the day I am liberal with the sunscreen and I wear a long sleeved shirt. […]

Feeling Connected

It’s summer heat with high humidity in Wellington. Thank goodness for having a covered arena to not only escape the direct sun, but also the very heavy rain squalls and lightning. Since bringing Vitall back to full focus with a renewed work ethic, we put our practice sessions to the test by competing in a […]

A Busy Summer Ahead

Well it’s late spring in Wellington, but it might as well be mid-summer given the heat. Despite the Wellington season being over and lots of horses, trainers, riders etc. having left for other venues far and wide, all is not quite quiet. This past weekend, the Palm Beach Equine Sports Complex held a national show […]

Start of the Wellington Season

The winter competition season is now in full swing. Wellington is all hustle and bustle – horses and people. The quiet days of summer, when you could walk into any restaurant and get a table without a reservation are gone. So much for the weak economy. I really enjoy the sense of excitement and anticipation […]

Praise for Wellington

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I wish everyone all the best for 2015! Happy New Year! Everything is going great with the horses. Vitall is on his A game. I am so thrilled with him. We are really progressing. He is getting stronger and stronger every day. Our First CDI will be January 7-11. […]