French Farce

“We are truly sorry Ceri Kennedy. And everyone. We told everyone to come as early as possible, and we tried our best to make things smooth… Well it is obvious if you look at this Facebook page so [sic] it was not the case for many people. We are sorry.” Believe it or not, this in […]

Selena Reports: Games Over!

Sorry it took so long to let you know that show jumping didn’t go as planned. 😉 However ,Woody and I did survive the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games! I had 16 faults for knocking 4 jumps down. Don’t get me wrong, I was in good company. It was the most electric ring I’ve […]

Selena Reports: Reflections on Cross Country

First off I would like to say how sorry I was to hear of death of Harry’s horse. My heart goes out to team GBR. 🙁 Perspective. Well it was a long and tense day for me. I started off by watching the live feed in the tent. I watched Peter go around (well what […]

Selena Reports: Achieving Personal Bests

Yay team Canada! I am so proud of everyone for achieving their personal best at the 4* level in dressage this week. I went to the ring familiarization from 7:45-8:25 a.m. We were allowed to work in the last warm up ring and walk only around the main ring. Woody felt much more alive which […]

Selena Reports: Observing the Competition

Today Peter went dressage for our team first. He had a great test. Terrible rain! Buck Davidson went first of the event and did an excellent test. I was glad to catch up with his dad Bruce. Also my main coach from when I was seven years old. I rode Woody on the flat with […]

Selena Reports: Getting Dolled Up and Walking the Course

Wednesday was really fun and busy. Great to finally start the games! We did our usual team jog @ 8:00 a.m., no rain. 🙂 Then I lunged Woody, nice for him to stretch without my weight or pressure. I learned that a shambon is legal. Who knew?I lunged in side reins. Peter had a lesson then we […]

Selena Reports: Raining Team Jog

Well it’s rained…A LOT! There was a little sun while the Canadian team trained today with Clayton. 🙂 Team jog at 8:00 a.m. was horribly soggy. 🙁 There was a 9:15 a.m. last warm up area ring familiarization for 20 minutes today. There’s another tomorrow including the main arena 15 mins in each ring. So […]

Selena Reports: Clayton’s Locks Challenge

Going to keep this as short as possible because it’s very late and I have an early start. Today was EXHAUSTING! I had a nice hack on Woody and worked a little on some of the tips Annabelle had given me the day before. Then I set fences for Jessica while she jumped Pavarotti. He […]

Selena Reports: Feeling Lucky

Today was excellent! This am I went for a hack on those beautiful hills. There are 250 acres at Maizey Manor in total. Then I did some raised trot poles on the edge of the ring in a corner (so quite a steep bend) Woody didn’t touch one! I watched Gin & Juice jump beautifully. Then […]

Selena Reports: Finally, We Got to Ride

Today we actually got to ride the ponies. Hurray! So we started the day with an 8:00 a.m. jog. Was great to see Christiana and baby Luca:) Then we all had a private lesson (light flatwork) and a hack. Woody was a little bit distracted, but he did nail all his halts AND both changes first […]