A Whirlwind of Activity

Things were a touch hectic at Balsam Hall while Selena and Anne Marie were blogging from the Pan Am Games and Training Camp in Florida.  Emma Rafuse and I were flying by the seat of our pants day by day.  Different ‘challenges to the daily routine’ would occur, warping what was a highly tuned study […]


A terrible thing happened the other day. We lost a great athlete. My sincere condolences go out to Eric Lamaze.I saw this video of Eric and Hickstead sharing their story and I thought it was very touching so I am going to share it with all of you. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyFD103Op7g On another note, everything is […]

Behind the Scenes at the Pan Ams with Selena O’Hanlon – October 23rd

October 23rd Sunday, the final day of competition. We did a team jog with Dr. Ober early in the a.m. and Woody looked great!  Dr. Ober said “He’s a horse for the future.” Ooooh, gives me goose bumps. All the horses looked stunning for jog thanks to our amazing grooms, Debbie and Dr. Ober. We […]

Behind the Scenes at the Pan Ams with Selena O’Hanlon – October 21st

October 21st I managed to eat breakfast, which is good because I couldn’t eat for the rest of the day ‘til dressage was done.  I remembered all my clothes etc…phew!  I sat with John and Judy Rumble (Woody’s owners) to watch all of the dressage. I only missed a few tests today.  James started us […]

Behind the Scenes at the Pan Ams with Selena O’Hanlon

October 20 Today was a fun filled day. 7:00 a.m. we headed to Hipca. Anne Marie had already done all of Woody’s morning treatments, such as Omega Alpha supplements with breakfast, magnetic blanket, magnetic foot pad, ice, lazer the whole “shebang”. His braids looked amazing and so did he. I hopped on for a 10 […]

Show Time!

A lot has happened in the last little bit. I had a great visit with my mom. She had her horsey fix and I had my “mommy” time. There is nothing better than having your mom around to share your time with. She got to meet all my friends here, so now she knows a […]

Behind the Scenes at the Pan Ams

October 19th Made it to breaky again…damn I’m good. LOL! We rode early. I was first to go at 8:30 a.m. Woody was a tiny bit sick of dressage today. Everyone watching said he looked great, but I think if he could have spoken it might have been less then positive mutterings about dressage. I […]

Behind the Scenes at the Pan Am Games with Selena O’Hanlon

  At the airport. October 15th Horses fly out mid-morning from Ocala on a charter flight..how cool is that?  Lucky grooms get to go with Dr. Ober and the horses. I always wanted to fly with the horses and see what it’s like.  We (the riders, David, Debbie and I) fly out from Orlando mid-morning […]

Happy Rider

This Past week, I’m feeling really good, Vitall was a star on Friday. He was a star from start to finish and he really showed his endurance because it was HOT! We had to warm-up outside then go to the indoor to ride our test. Walking into the indoor felt like a massive heat wave, […]