New Team Member

A lot has happened over the last month… The biggest news is the new team member for team Duncan. His name is Edward – a three-year-old stallion by United/Damiro. I am totally in love with him. He is so easy to handle and it is a pleasure to ride him. I am really excited to […]

Florida Diaries Part 8

It’s still rattling along like an express train at O’Hanlon Eventing. I remember (nostalgic tone…) when there was ‘down time’ in the winter and your horse took a holiday and you sort of did the necessities only for about a month at least. The closest we come to that is November in which Selena has […]


Right now there is a lockdown on all horses in every stable. Horses are not allowed to be transported at the moment due to a rhinovirus outbreak. Lots of shows have been cancelled. But the main problem is not the horses it’s the people who travel from barn to barn, so right now everyone is […]

Florida Diaries Part 7

It has been hectically quiet since the drives to Florida. Life in O’Hanlon Eventing North and South has been at full speed ahead. We run two barns thousands of kilometers apart for four months of the year. We don’t only split our horses, but we split our staff. Sounds like it should work out, but, of […]

Slowly Springing into Spring

Thankfully we seem to be finding our way out of the cold snap because even though I am from Canada, I was not used to those temps being from Vancouver. Nevertheless, I had some fun the last weekends in the cold. I was out on an ATV in the woods near my house, which are […]

Winter Wonderland of the Frozen

It is freezing here… I have never experienced such cold weather. For the last five days it’s been between -5 and – 18 and with snow. But thankfully the sun is shining the last few days – that makes you feel a little bit better. I have now learned something about myself: I am not […]

Weekend Adventures

This past weekend, I took an adventure to go watch Jumping Amsterdam at the Rai Arena in the centre of Amsterdam. I have to say it is one of the nicest indoor venues, with a good sized warm-up arena, which we all know is usually one of the difficulties at indoor shows. It had great […]

Spring is in the Air

This past weekend was beautiful here. I woke up Saturday morning and opened my curtains to the sun shining and it stayed all weekend. Somehow whenever you wake up and you see the sun, it always gives you that extra bounce in your step and a smile across your face. I went riding out in […]

Florida Diaries Part 6

We are less than three hours away from arriving at Ocala with the second and last group. We picked up Leif Z in North Carolina at 6:00 a.m. today, having finally made it to the border at 5:00 p.m. between the ice storm and the snow storm. We had a great drive down, hitting Washington […]

Florida Diaries Part 5

“The best laid plans o’ mice an’ men gang aft aglay” Rabbie Burns We tried to set out three times already today and finally the roads are clear enough for us to make a run for the border. We hear the roads are good south of us but snow is due tomorrow all the way […]